Cemu 1.11.3 now allows using multiple processor cores, great performance improvement

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CEMU is the most advanced emulator for the Nintendo WiiU and has been featured in several headlines in recent months, especially since the arrival of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. CEMU 1.11.3 is the latest version that comes with very important improvements.
CEMU 1.11.3 already supports multi-threaded
CEMU 1.11.3 is the latest version of the WiiU emulator, this is an especially important version since it already allows to use multiple processor cores, to achieve a parallelization of tasks and thereby improve performance. Until now CEMU only used a CPU core so this is a very important leap in its development.
The CEMU 1.11.3 improvements do not end there, this new version is already capable of indexing the data through the GPU cache buffer in low precision situations, adds the task configuration API, there is also a new pack option of textures to improve the graphics of the games.
The following graphs show the improvement in frametime when going from using one processor core to using three, as you can see there is a great improvement.
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