
Microsoft says windows 10 will be a great improvement


It's been a couple of weeks since Microsoft announced that the next version of its operating system will be called windows 10 and not windows 9, since then more than a million users are using the Technical Preview version of windows 10.

Now Microsoft ensures that Windows 10 will be a great improvement over Windows 8.1 and that is why they have decided to skip Windows 9. Microsoft intends to bring Windows 10 to all kinds of devices from PCs to smartphones or its Xbox One console, that is to say, it is a system for everyone.

Also the Redmond seem to have learned from their error with windows 8 / 8.1 of wanting users to adapt to the modernUI interface regardless of the device from which it runs, that will not be the case in windows 10 that will detect the type of device in the one that is installed and will offer the most appropriate interface for each case, including the desired PC start menu.


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