
Chrome 55 will cut ram consumption in half

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Google Chrome is one of the best browsers and one of the most used for its great performance, however not all are lights and one of its biggest drawbacks is a consumption of RAM significantly higher than its rivals that compromises its use in computers with specifications modest. Google has been working on it and the solution will come in the next Chrome 55 version.

Chrome 55 will come with great JavaScript optimization

Google continues to work to improve its Chrome browser and one of the fundamental pillars is to make it more efficient with the use of RAM, Chrome 55 will include a significant improvement in its JavaScript engine in order to greatly reduce its consumption of this resource so valuable. Many websites are written in JavaScript, so this new enhancement will be very important and will prevent computers from running short of memory by having numerous tabs open.

The Chrome development team has reported that the new version Chrome 55 consumes 50% less RAM than Chrome 53 on websites like The New York Times, Reddit and YouTube itself. The new Chrome 55 version will not be released until next December 6 but we will have a trial version before so the most impatient can try it.

Source: tweaktown


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