
Cisco Launches Solution to Detect Malware in Encrypted Traffic

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Analyzing network traffic to find malware or any other threat has become more complicated. Mainly because the amount of encrypted traffic has increased. Although most antivirus today are able to decrypt such traffic. But they don't use the best method. So Cisco is looking for new solutions to this challenge. The company has already found a possible solution to the problem, with its new measure called ETA.

Cisco Launches Solution to Detect Malware in Encrypted Traffic

ETA, Encrypted Traffic Analytics, is an advanced security tool that can identify malware that is hidden within encrypted traffic. But, it does this without the need to intercept and decrypt the data. So the chain of protection and privacy is not broken with this Cisco tool.

New Cisco Tool

This new security measure uses several layers of Machine Learning. Thanks to them, it is able to read the traffic without decrypting it and detects the differences between reliable and malicious traffic. ETA examines the initial data packet and with this determines the sequence and length of the subsequent ones. If the information does not match, it is because modifications have been made. Therefore, it is because there is a malware or other threat.

This solution will be learned as it is used. So its effectiveness will increase over time. Although this system needs a lot of resources, so it is not for all Cisco clients. They have been testing since June 2017 with this system. Although from now on it will be launched in more teams.

So surely throughout 2018 we will see the worldwide takeoff of Cisco ETA. A tool that promises to be of help to users in detecting malicious encrypted traffic.


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