
How to program shutdown windows 10 【step by step】

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Scheduling Windows 10 to shutdown can be a great idea to avoid spending more light than necessary. We teach you how to do it.

Due to our schedules, or having to leave our house quickly, we may neglect the PC and leave it on. This happens often, so why not find a way to shutdown your PC only? This is possible so we teach you how to schedule Windows 10 shutdown.

Index of contents

Method 1: use commands

This method can be very useful to schedule this task because it reduces things a lot. The first thing to do is to open the start menu and type "CMD" to open the console or "command prompt."

Run as administrator. Once it is open, we will write the following:

shutdown -s -t 6000

When you give the "Enter" key it will not tell you anything, but it will have saved the task.

The last number means the number of seconds, you can put the number of seconds you want. In our case, we have put 6000 seconds, which is equivalent to a little more than an hour and a half. If you put 600, that's 10 minutes, for example.

As you can see, it is quick and easy. The problem is wanting it to turn off at a certain time, which is more complicated because we have to calculate seconds, minutes, etc.

Method 2: do it from task scheduler

This method may be easier and more personalized for some because you can choose the time at which we want the computer to be turned off.


  • We open the Start Menu and write " Task Scheduler ". It will come out instantly, we run it. We go to the right column and click " Create basic task ".

  • In the name of the task you can put what you want, we will put " Automatic shutdown ". You hit next.

  • Here you can select the frequency at which you want the task to run. Choose as you like, we will choose " Once ". If you have done this, you can schedule the shutdown at the exact time. Choose as best suits you. You give next. Choose the option " Start a program ". Now, we give to examine and look for the file " shutdown.exe " In the box " Add arguments (optional) " put " -s " . As follows.

  • We click next and then "Finish".

We will have our task on how to schedule shutdown in Windows.

Method 3: use third-party programs

There is the possibility of using specific third-party programs to schedule certain tasks in Windows 10. We will find several, but a very simple one to use is Windows Shutdown Asisstant.

Not only can we schedule the shutdown in Windows 10, but we can schedule the execution of a program, restarts, locks, shutdown monitor, end a task, etc. You can download it here.

So far our little tutorial on how to schedule an automatic shutdown in Windows. This tutorial will serve you for Windows 8 or Windows 7, since they have the same function and you can find it in the same way.

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It seems like a great solution to avoid spending more than you should because, remember, computers are machines that can spend a lot of electricity.

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