
▷ How to use administrative tools windows 10

Table of contents:


The Windows 10 administrative tools are a set of tools whose use is to provide a series of utilities for diagnosing the system, as well as monitoring hardware and software resources in real time. Thanks to them we can also access other utilities to modify system configuration parameters.

Index of contents

And the truth is that there is a place or directory in which all these tools are stored and are accessible through simple shortcuts.

Where are the Windows 10 administrative tools

Despite the fact that for expert users and to perform certain functions they are widely used tools, the truth is that they are in a relatively hidden place in terms of access from the configuration

As always, there are various ways to reach them, some more direct and others less. that's why here we will see a few for us to choose the one that we like the most.

Access Windows 10 administrative tools from the start menu

Obviously this will be the easiest access to find and access the system utilities.

The only thing we will have to do is open the start menu and in the navigation area look for the folder " Administrative tools"

Simple, there we will have all the Windows tools to use the one we need.

Access from the control panel

We can also directly access this list of tools from the classic Windows control panel.

To do this we open the start menu and write " Control Panel " and press Enter. Once inside, we change the view to small icons to directly locate them. We will distinguish them by the icon of a gear wheel.

In any of the cases we will obtain a list like the following:

Windows 10 Administrative Tools Commands

The lists of these tools have been gradually expanded until today we have 20 of them. But it is that in addition to the previous methods to access these tools, we can also use a command to execute each of them from the desktop.

To do this we must press the key combination " Windows + R " or " Win + R " and it will open the Run tool. In its text input box we can the command for the corresponding tool:

Tool Command
Team management compmgmt.msc
Print management printmanagement.msc
System configuration msconfig
Defragment and optimize drives dfrgui
Windows memory diagnostics MdSched
Local Security Policy secpol.msc
Registry Editor regedit
System information msinfo32
ISCSI initiator iscsicpl
Disk Cleanup cleanmgr
Resource Monitor perfmon
Performance monitor perfmon.msc
ODBC Data Sources (32/64-bit) odbcad32
Task Scheduler taskschd.msc
Component Services comexp.msc
Services services.msc
Recovery unit RecoveryDrive
Events viewer eventvwr.msc
Windows Defender Firewall with advanced security WF.msc

Most used administrative tools

Now we will see some of the most used administrative tools in this list and what functions they offer us.

Equipment manager

This complete tool will help us manage, install and uninstall all the hardware components of our equipment. when any input or output device goes wrong we will surely come here to try to solve the problem.

Also from here we can access the hard disk management tool, in order to create or delete partitions on our hard disk.

System configuration

This is one of the most used tools when we have an error in Windows that does not let us work. Thanks to this tool we can configure the way in which our equipment starts. and we can also view the active services in the system and access the Windows startup programs.

Defragment and optimize drives

The name already says it all, if we have mechanical hard drives it will be advisable to stop by this tool sometime to defragment our hard drive.

Adapting to the new times, an option to optimize SSD hard drives has also been added, since defragmenting them does not make any sense.

Windows memory diagnostics

With this tool we can verify that the RAM we have works correctly. It will run on the next startup of the computer.

Registry editor

Another of the star tools is the registry editor. 80% of Windows errors and their corresponding tutorials will send us directly here to solve or, if possible, make Windows errors worse.

System information

This panel is less known to normal users, but thanks to it we can obtain very detailed information about our system and hardware.

Disk Cleanup

We will also have direct access to the tool to free up disk space. There is no need to explain what function it performs.

Resource Monitor

The resource monitor will also be accessible from the Windows Task Manager. But if we want to have only this we will access from its corresponding tool.

Performance monitor

This monitor is similar to the previous one, but it shows us in real time a graph of the team's performance as well as a series of tools for diagnosing the system.


Another of the star tools. When we want to start certain programs or eliminate part of the system load to improve performance, we will surely stop by to activate or deactivate the services that run on our system.

Recovery unit

To create a Windows 10 recovery USB and use it when the system fails, we will have to run this tool.

Windows firewall

Finally, the famous Windows Firewall. There are other more intuitive ways to configure this classic element of the system, but this is the official and native monitor to view its status.

This is all about how to access and use the Windows 10 administrative tools. Logically, if we could see each other's functionalities, we would never finish this article. But here we have been able to superficially see its execution commands and basic functionalities.

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What tools on this list have you ever used, and for what? Write us telling us a little so that you use the administrative tools


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