
Thousands of windows pcs are attacked with nsa hacking tools

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Cyber ​​criminals do not miss any opportunity, thousands of PCs around the world with the Windows operating system have begun to be attacked with NSA hacking tools that were leaked a few days ago.

Thousands of Windows PCs are attacked with NSA hacking tools

The tools were leaked by a group known as Shadow Brokers and allow to attack Windows XP, 2003, 7 and 8 operating systems. Microsoft has minimized the risks by launching a large number of patches to close the security holes, unfortunately unsupported systems have been forgotten so many users are still exposed to the attack

Multiple security researchers have conducted mass internet scans in recent days and found tens of thousands of Windows computers worldwide infected with DoublePulsar, a suspected NSA spy implant as a result of a free tool launched on GitHub for anyone can use it.

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A separate analysis by Errata Security CEO Rob Graham detected approximately 41, 000 infected machines, while another by Below0day researchers detected more than 30, 000 infected machines, most of which were in the United States. DoublePulsar is a backdoor used to inject and execute malicious code on already infected systems, and is installed using the EternalBlue vulnerability that targets Microsoft Windows XP SMB file sharing services to Server 2008 R2.

Therefore, to compromise a machine, you must be running a vulnerable version of the Windows operating system with an SMB service exposure to the attacker. Both DoublePulsar and EternalBlue are suspect as Equation Group tools and are now available for any kiddie scripts to download and use against vulnerable computers. Once installed, DoublePulsar used hijacked computers to launch malware and spam to online users

While Microsoft has already repaired most of the exploited flaws in the affected Windows operating systems, the ones that have not been patched are vulnerable to exploits like EternalBlue, EternalChampion, EternalSynergy, EternalRomance, EmeraldThread and EducatedScholar. On the other hand, systems with their finished life cycle, such as Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0, which no longer receive security updates are vulnerable to vulnerabilities.

Source: thehackernews


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