
Hacker sentenced to 46 months in prison for spreading malware on Linux

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A 41-year-old Russian citizen has been convicted in the United States of spreading malware created to attack Linux-powered computers. The man in question was arrested two years ago in Finland. And he was extradited to the United States in February last year.

Hacker sentenced to 46 months in prison for spreading malware on Linux

The reason for his arrest was his involvement in the development and spread of Ebury, a malware intended to attack Linux computers. With this attack, they managed to steal millions of dollars from users who use the operating system.

46 months in jail

After being extradited in February of last year, it was not until March of this year that the trial in question was held. The man admitted to being guilty. Finally, after several months of waiting, the sentence has been published. And the 46-month prison sentence is effective.

Therefore, he will shortly be transferred to federal prison in the United States. Although nothing has been revealed about its location. It has already been shown that thanks to this malware on Linux computers, it managed to defraud millions of dollars since its creation back in 2011. A malware that at its peak reached 35 million spam messages.

Related to this malware, an American citizen was also arrested and sentenced to prison in September last year. Although it has no relationship with the criminal gang of which this Russian citizen is part. It has also been revealed that the Russian citizen will be deported after serving his prison sentence.


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