
Hacker sentenced to 27 months in jail for ddos ​​attack

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Austin Thompson, better known as DerpTroll, is a hacker responsible for a series of DDoS attacks that took place between December 2013 and January 2014 on various online gaming websites and services. He has finally been sentenced to 27 months in prison. The defendant acknowledged being part of a group of hackers who were responsible for making some well-known platforms such as Steam, EA or PlayStation Network not work during that Christmas.

Hacker sentenced to 27 months in jail for DDoS attack

According to what has been known, these actions cost about $ 95, 000 in damages to the victims, Sony in this case. So you will have to pay them that money.

Jail sentance

These DDoS attacks were quite controversial, because they occurred just in the middle of Christmas. In addition to having left many services out of service on dates when much more is played. So for the responsible companies it was a huge problem. The accused has at all times acknowledged these allegations.

He is expected to enter prison on August 23 at the latest, so that he can serve his prison term. It is unusual for those responsible for such attacks to be arrested. So it is striking news.

DDoS attacks have multiplied in recent years. Last year we saw how certain services were victims of this type of attack, which in many cases is difficult to detect, which is why we see few people accused of them in court.

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