
▷ Set up google home mini step by step ??

Table of contents:


For those new to this new technology or those who get lost in the ins and outs of this personal assistant, do not fear! Setting up Google Home Mini is very easy and here we at Professional Review are going to give you a guide to the sea with which to guide you. Let's go to the mess!

The ignition shows the four colors of the company

Index of contents

First of all, let's start with the basics. Google Home Mini works with both Android 5.0 (it is compatible with later versions) and iOS 9.1 or later.

Start of installation

To function properly, Google Home Mini needs :

  1. WIFI connection via router The Google Home application installed on the devices to be linked. Have a Google account.

We connect Google Home Mini

Once it is connected to the power supply and switched on, we will see that the red, blue, yellow and green LEDs light up. It should be noted that we must always use the cable that has been provided in the box for the proper functioning of Google Home Mini.

We download the Google Home application

Play Store sample

On our phone or tablet, we download the application from the Play Store with which we will remotely control our Google Home Mini. Once this is done, we open the app. Several things are going to happen:

  • For starters, the Google Home software will detect the existence of a device (since it is already on) and ask us if we want to configure it. We accept. It will ask us where the device is and if we can connect it to the WIFI network. This is done using the password already entered in the phone, so you only have to accept it again. At the beginning, Google Home Mini will also ask us about voice recognition and we will have to say "OK Google " a few times to record our tone. This can be disabled so that friends and family can also use it even if they do not have an account.

Installation process

  1. A welcome greeting to Google Home. You will ask us to enter a Google Account to link it to Google Home Mini. The same device can be linked to a maximum of up to six accounts. We indicate the account that we will use or create a new one if we do not have one.

    Then, we must enable location services, that is, enable the GPS of our mobile. Having it active will only be necessary while we are configuring it, so we can deactivate it again later.

    Once this is done, we must create a "house" (you will need access to location) and from our mobile we will search for Google devices to link. This is mandatory for the proper functioning of the Google Home Mini.

    Once you locate Google Home Mini, ask to configure the device: geographic local location (street, city) and location in the house (bedroom, living room).

    Other issues are also configured, such as access to our WIFI, Spotify and Netflix accounts. Also this is a step that can be done afterwards as we will show later.

    After this, it suggests us to watch a YouTube video to show us what Google Home Mini is capable of. We leave you here: Finally, we come to the main menu screen of Google Home Mini.

Google Home Mini Greeting: OK Google

Before starting the next section, which is the configuration, we must tell you that by the time point seven Google Home Mini is already operational and can be used. We must make sure that the integrated microphone is activated (slid to the left) and the moment we say "OK Google" it will greet us ( "Hello, how can I help you?" ).

Settings for Google Home Mini

We are on the main screen of the application. Here we can see two different option menus: one in the center of the screen and another at the bottom.

Main menu in the center of the application

This is like our "command center". We use it to manage Google Home Mini in its main features:

  1. Play Emit Routines Add Settings

Main Menu: Play

The Play icon is a musical note. When not in use it will appear crossed out gray, and when active it will have a bluish color. In the Google Home Mini icon we can see that some sound bars move and clicking on it will take us to the following window:

In it we can see the song that is playing and the percentage of the current volume. This can be uploaded from here by sliding the white sphere on its graph if we are away from the Google Home Mini device. Above the name of the room where it is located we find the Equalizer Settings to regulate the bass and treble to our liking.

Main Menu: Issue

Broadcasting is a useful option if we have several speakers connected to our Google Home Mini in other rooms or throughout the house. It is also, so to speak, the "ear" of Google Home Mini. The questions or requests that we want to ask you can be oral or written.

Playing the microphone or writing, we can say: "Dinner is ready" and Google Home Mini will play our audio on all available speakers that are connected.

Main Menu: Routines

The routines are functions that we can manage and save in our Google Home Mini and activate as convenient or schedule at a certain time.

Just below the default routines we have the option to Manage Routines. This will allow us to edit our preferences regarding what to program in each one: weather report, news, reminders, turn on the radio…

Main Menu: Add

Add is the Google Home Mini section where we manage applications or users external to the device. This is where, for example, we link a group of speakers to transmit the messages in the Broadcast section.

In the possible settings we can add accounts of other users, services, manage speakers or the configuration of the house. We are going to focus here on explaining the two most important sections: Music and Audio and Video and Photos.

What we do in Music is assign the default program with which Google Home Mini plays the content that we request. Some already come in the list by default while others we must link our account, such as Spotify or Google Play Music.

In video, we can link applications in which we have accounts: HBO, Netflix, YouTube... Once established, we can give voice orders to play the content on our Smart TV. Ex: "OK Google, put chapter 2 of the second season of Castlevania on Netflix . "

Note: we must have our Smart TV connected to the same Wi-Fi network as Google Home Mini and it must be switched on.

Main Menu: Settings

Settings is a management section similar to Add. However, while Add takes care of managing issues outside of Google Home Mini, Settings takes care of the device itself.

Most notable within Settings are the Digital Wellbeing and Multimedia Platform Accounts sections. The rest of the sections (name of the house, members and rooms) have been previously mentioned since it is a mandatory part of the initial configuration. What is allowed here is to modify or add users, rooms…

Digital wellness allows us to:

  • Set filters for content (adult, violence or foul language). Allow or prevent the device from making and receiving calls. Schedule the wizard to answer or not questions Allow / prevent any action on third-party applications. Set a rest period (sleep mode).

Multimedia platform accounts allow:

  • Manage all linked accounts, whether for video, music or photography applications.

Menu at the bottom of the application

We can consider it the navigation bar for different sections of the application.

  1. Main page (selected by default, it is the Home) Discover Microphone Music Account

Menu at the bottom: Discover and Music

Menu at the bottom: Microphone

The Google Home Mini microphone is always active unless we manually disconnect it at the button of the device. We can press it to talk to the phone instead of the terminal if it is too far away or in another room.

Menu at the bottom: Account

Please note, we are allowed to manage our individual characteristics as a user within Google Home Mini. We can set personal preferences or take a look at the history of our activity with the application (or delete it).

Within Account, in General Settings, highlights the Settings section. Inside we have four tabs:

  1. You Home Services Assistant

Settings: You

  • Your data in the Assistant: record of all your interactions. Name: personalized nickname for the assistant to contact you. Your sites: most used addresses to receive information about traffic or duration of journeys, among others. Travel: providing information on how you travel helps Google Home Mini to give more accurate information. Payments: methods and permissions for the assistant to use credit cards, Paypal… Time: sets Celsius or Fahrenheit as a unit of measure. Reservations: Manage reservations made through your Google account. Purchases: reports on transactions and shipments.

Settings: Assistant

  • Languages: sets a maximum of two simultaneous languages. Continuous conversation: keep the microphone active for a few seconds after answering a question in case we have any more. Voice Match: Add voice recognition. House control: manages the devices in the house and its rooms. Routines - Takes you back to the Routines section of the main menu. Email notifications: enable or disable receiving emails and news about the assistant.

Settings: Services

  • Voice and video call: Manage applications. Shopping list : create a list, add products and invite other users to edit it. Music: applications available. News: services and chains available. Videos and photos: default readers. Calendar: synchronized with your gmail account. Reminders: Create alarms and reminders. Actions: Show the ones you follow. Explore: Google Home options.

Settings: Home

  • Your home: allows you to edit preferences. House members: member and guest management. Add…: devices, speakers and more. Room settings: manages where the assistant is.

Control and sensors

Google Home Mini, in addition to voice control, is operated with taps on the cover since it has a capacitive touch screen incorporated. For those who have smart devices, such as light bulbs or automatic blinds, they can also be regulated.

The volume of the sound is adjusted manually by gently touching the left or right side of the device or we can keep it pressed to pause the content playback. Obviously these actions can also be carried out through the app.

In summary

The Google Assistant has a lot to offer in terms of possibilities. We have tried to highlight the most essential of each section and serve as a guide in this maremágnum of options, although in the end without a doubt the best thing is to spend a few minutes browsing all the sections. To conclude, you may also be interested in our Review in Spanish and a complete analysis of Google Home Mini.

You may also like:

  • Google Home Mini will have a successor with several improvements How to create routines in Google Home How to listen to YouTube Music for free in your Google Home

Otherwise, do not hesitate to ask us any questions in the comments. Until next time!


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