More errors with 3d apps after windows 10 kb3213986 update

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Yesterday we told you about the KB3213986 update for Windows 10 that is now available so that you can update your operating system and enjoy a version loaded with news, improvements and bug fixes. However, one of the bugs it promised to fix is failing, because users are still having trouble running 3D games and applications.
We are talking about an important correction, which is the delay of the images on the screen / cropped screens when running applications that use 3D modeling: games, design applications and graphic modeling . The Windows 10 KB3213986 update promised to fix this, but users are still encountering issues.
This cumulative update continues to freeze multi-monitor gaming. Microsoft has already marked it as a known problem but it is still a problem since yesterday, because it has not been solved yet. Although there are two alternative solutions.
Alternative solutions to "cropped screens" in Windows 10
From Microsoft, they have recognized that “ users may experience lag or screen cropping while running 3D rendering applications (such as games) on systems with more than one monitor. To avoid this problem, please consider the following options: ”
- Running the application in Windows mode (without full screen) Starting the application with a single monitor connected.
After updating as we tell you, users continue to encounter this stuttering of the screens when they run 3D applications with more than one monitor.
The solution is to run the 3D applications in modes other than full screen so that they do not crash. Or try only with a connected monitor, because the moment you test with more than one monitor it starts to give problems, and we want to avoid these problems and run 3D apps with normality.
So if you see that after trying the cumulative update KB3213986 for Windows 10 there are still problems, you are not the only one, it is still a known error that we hope will soon cease to be.
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