
Be careful, they could steal your apple id this Christmas

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Christmas is coming, danger! Because there are many scams that circulate on the net so that we fall like flies. It's a perfect time for them to get away with it and steal our credentials from such popular services as Apple. So this Christmas you face a possible theft of your Apple ID, so we are going to tell you what you can do about it to be protected.

This is how they will steal your Apple ID this Christmas

The most typical is that they send you an email with different subjects. The most typical is to put something flashy so that the user is forced to enter, "Urgent", "Urgent Apple Message" , etc. There are variations, but the intention is the same, get your Apple ID. In this email, they pose as Apple Customer Service (this is the username), and the address is [email protected].

What the message will tell you is " missing information from your Apple account ". This is a trick, so that you enter all the data they want and get hold of your personal data. The goal is to get your Apple ID. And how do they get it? It is the typical trick they do today with Apple and tomorrow with another company. The user receives this notification, it is believed to be an email from Apple, and to be protected what he does is enter (he logs in with his account), and at that moment, he is giving his data to the server of cybercriminals. They pretend that it is the Apple page, but no, it is not.

If you notice, the link is false: as well they tell us from ADSLZone . Even if the page is cloned from the original, always look at the URL you are opening.

Beware of falling into these traps, they abound on the net

Be very careful with this type of email. Apple could send you something like that, but never from that email address or in this way. Be suspicious. Never enter your password in a strange URL like the previous one, which you are 100% sure is who it says it is.

Be very careful to fall into traps this Christmas!


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