
This is how impressive crysis would be with current technology

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All PC gamers keep a beautiful memory of the game that has marked the biggest leap in graphic quality in the last ten years, it is the original Crysis that came to market in late 2007 to offer a spectacular and unimaginable visual at the time. Such was the feat that even today the hardware can suffer with Crysis in its maximum settings.

Crysis gets a facelift and looks this spectacular

Crysis has been the absolute graphic reference on PC for years and it is not for less, on its arrival on the market there was not enough hardware to move the game with great fluidity in its maximum graphic settings, even today it is still superior to many titles "Next gen" coming to the PC and consoles. Damian Stempniewski has been working on the latest version of the CryEngine and Megascans graphics engine to give the original Crysis a facelift and make it even more spectacular.

The result is simply amazing and shows us the full potential of Crytek technology and what would be possible with it without the obvious limitations of current game consoles. The scene has been rendered in real time although Damian claims it is not playable in the face of tremendous hardware demand, in large part due to the high level of tessellation applied.

The first image corresponds to Crysis with mods from the community and the second represents the work of Damian Stempniewski, hopefully we can soon enjoy a Crysis 4 with a similar technical level although for now there is no indication of its development, perhaps a title that narrate the direct continuation of the original Cryssis that we did not see in subsequent deliveries, we still remind you Nomad.

Source: dsogaming


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