
Huawei would seek to sell its 5g technology to western companies

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Huawei is one of the companies that work the most on the deployment of 5G. Although for months the espionage accusations have caused that many countries do not want to work with the manufacturer. Therefore, the firm seeks solutions in this regard. One of them would be the possibility of selling your 5G technology to a western company. So there would be no such mistrust.

Huawei would seek to sell its 5G technology to western companies

This would also allow creating healthy competition in this market. The Chinese brand has openly mentioned this possibility as an option to be carefully considered.

Sell ​​your technology

In this way, Huawei would be willing to provide access to its 5G patents, licenses, source code, and production knowledge. The company that buys this would also be free to modify it at will. This avoids fear of possible espionage by the Chinese government in this regard. The company says that they would not have control over any telecommunications structure in this way.

Although at the moment it is not known if there are western companies that have an interest in this purchase. In addition, the Chinese government would also have to give its approval to this purchase, something that at the moment we do not know if it would be so.

In any case, a clear attempt by Huawei to solve these problems with the deployment of 5G and to try to restore confidence in the company. We will see if this is welcomed and if there is someone in Europe who intends to buy these patents shortly.

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