
Debian 8.6 jessie already available to download in its different versions

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Debian is one of the most popular GNU / Linux distributions and the one that serves as the basis for Ubuntu and many others, including those derived from the Canonical operating system. If there is one thing Debian is particularly notable for, it's its bomb-proof stability and it will be even better now thanks to the availability of Debian 8.6 Jessie with many updates and fixes.

Debian 8.6 Jessie you can now download or update

Debian 8.6 Jessie is now available to download both in its standard installation version and its different Live-CD versions that we can use to test it without having to install it on the hard disk, one of the great virtues of Linux. Debian 8.6 Jessie includes many security updates as well as new versions of its packages that have been specially tested to verify its stability and do not compromise the integrity of the system. This new version provides a much more updated means of installation, although if you already have an older version of Debian 8 you do not need to install it, you just need to update the system with the following commands:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade

However the Live-CD versions are different in the latter since they allow users to test the latest versions including the GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, Cinnamon, and MATE desktops.

You can now download Debian 8.6 Jessie from the following links:

Debian GNU / Linux 8.6 GNOME

Debian GNU / Linux 8.6 KDE

Debian GNU / Linux 8.6 Xfce

Debian GNU / Linux 8.6 Cinnamon

Debian GNU / Linux 8.6 MATE

Debian GNU / Linux 8.6 Standard

Remember that if you already have an updated Debian 8 system you do not have the need to install anything, if you want to install it from 0 you can do it with the following image:

Debian GNU / Linux 8.6 “Jessie” install-only ISO images

Source: softpedia


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