
Deloite has been hacked and its customer data leaked

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At the beginning of the month we told you about the hack that Equifax had suffered. As a result, data for 143 million citizens had been leaked. Now, a hack of similar dimensions occurs. This time the victim is Deloitte. One of the largest auditors and finance consultants in the world.

Deloite has been hacked and its customer data leaked

The company was the victim of a computer attack between October and November last year. Although, Deloitte didn't detect the attack until 6 months later. The attacker (s) managed to connect to the mail server of one of the administrators. This was possible because there was no two-step authentication.

Hacking Deloitte

As a result of this flaw in email account settings, hackers have access to a large number of confidential emails. In addition to customer IP addresses, business plans, bank accounts… A lot of information. In addition to being able to get hold of the users and passwords of various Deloitte clients. Among them, there are governments.

Those responsible for the company are still investigating this computer attack. It has taken the company a year to admit that it has happened. And six months to detect it. Which shows too late a reaction. So far it has not been revealed how many users have been affected by this attack. They probably don't know yet.

Deloitte will continue to investigate this attack and will try to find those responsible. Although, it seems that they have not left any trace. Which suggests that they are experts. So it will be a complicated task. We hope to know more about the scope of this problem soon. What do you think about this security breach?


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