
Detroit: become human review in Spanish (full analysis)

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The science fiction video game Detroit: Become Human for Playstation 4 follows the lines of other previous Quantic Dream releases such as: Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. Games with a huge narrative load. They put in the hands of the players decisions that will affect to a lesser or greater extent the course of their history. The gameplay remains intact in its basic approach: Decision-making and Quick Time Events, in which we will have a few seconds to press certain buttons. However, its director David Cage tries to take the experience one step further with each game. In Detroit: Become Human we will not only find a higher graphic quality but also a much broader and richer decision tree. Can this be the culmination of narrative games?

Living three

David cage continues to maintain its playable scheme but increasingly empowered and cinematic thanks to both the graphic and technological improvements. Basically, the playable proposal lies in three aspects: Research, decision making and QTE.

The investigation, as we commented previously, falls on the character of Connor. Our missions will require searching for evidence and clues that allow us to carry out a reconstruction of events. This reconstruction will allow us to open new avenues of research. At one point, with all the information gathered, we can solve the motive of a crime, interview a suspect or discover the culprit.

Luckily, each of the cases has different factors and tasks that will pose slight challenges. This variety ensures that research is never tedious or repetitive. Connor has multiple skills that are useful and in case you get stuck, you can press the R2 button to show points of interest and possible actions. Instead, pressing the R1 button can change the camera's point of view.

At certain points of the adventure we will have to make decisions. Some may appear during a conversation in which we must choose a line of dialogue. Other decisions, however, will require choosing between several actions. This will trigger a specific consequence and even provoke a positive or negative reaction among those around you. These possibilities have always been found in Quantic Dream games. It is no wonder that the script simply contains over 2000 pages.

One of the novelties of this game is the large tree of choices that opens in each of the chapters, resulting in different endings in many of them. Although there are chapters in which our decisions will have a significant impact in the short or long term, in many others there is not as much impact and even the path is linear. It is true that these few times are forgivable, in pursuit of the argumentative line.

At the end of each chapter, we can see the branch of decisions made and the branches that we have lost. We will even be able to keep an eye on the decisions chosen by users from all over the globe or by the friends we have added.

Another novelty implemented in this game will be found when starting the game for the first time. The game will ask us if we want to play on Expert difficulty, with the full range of possibilities including the death of our characters if we make a mistake during the adventure. Or if, on the contrary , we want to play in Casual mode and enjoy the story without many complications or the possible death of any of our protagonists.

The QTE, Quick Time Events or Quick Response Events are another constant in the games of this company. This time its use has not changed much. There are fast-paced action scenes in which we must press the buttons that appear on the screen in a short period of time to successfully resolve that action, otherwise, we may put the character in a bind, in the event that it happens. We lose and can not control it again in the rest of the game. A negative aspect of all this is that it is necessary to fail many times for the game to truly penalize you. The fact of playing in expert mode does not entail many times as much difficulty.

There are many other scenes where button presses are performed in a more relaxed way. To carry out an everyday action, pick up or drop an object, climb, etc.

Movie graphics

At this point in the generation, no one will be surprised if we define the Detroit: Become Human graphics as hyper-realistic. The quality of texturing and lighting that the characters have touch on a great level. To this we must add the care that the director has put for years to animation by capturing movements of each and every one of the characters, including all the secondary ones. The physical and gestural naturalness makes us really believe their stories and even that sometimes, we see ourselves reflected in some of them. The emotions they feel and suffer are clearly appreciable in every little tic and facial expression.

The scenes, on the other hand, not only have the same degree of insane graphic detail, but in turn hide many references to the world around us. Among the posters, advertisements and the routine behavior of the inhabitants, we find some more direct allusions to this dystopia. We will find a multitude of magazines reporting the most recent events, both national and international.

Soundtrack and dubbing

It may seem that the game, in addition to having an impressive soundtrack that is very consistent with the theme and circumstances it addresses, was made in the most traditional way. But nothing further. Quantic Dream has pulled three different composers. Each of them developed their own soundtrack for each main character. Nima Fakhara uses synthesizers to create an electronic tone palette with police thriller overtones that fits nicely into Connor's story.

Kara has very different themes, some melancholic and others in which anguish prevails. Each of them reflects very well the specific situation in which she finds herself. These were composed by cellist Philip Sheppard.

Finally, John Paesano composes for Markus some melodies that evolve. It begins with more intimate and personal themes that become more epic as the plot unfolds.

In a title of this caliber, and coming backed by Sony, you could not expect more than a great work of dubbing into Spanish. Virtually almost all voices have the appropriate tone and intensity for each scene, just like in any movie worth its salt today. It shows that they have had a large studio to measure up.

Replaying history

Average playing time is around 10 hours. This amount may depend on how each person plays and whether or not he keeps all the characters alive. In our case, it took us about 12 hours to reach the final outcome.

Once the game is finished for the first time, we will obviously not have any online mode, but we will be able to replay the game from the beginning or from specific chapters, to trigger another event or previously unseen branch of the decision tree. It is a replayability that can please those who want to know what would have happened if… or who want to get all the trophies.

During the course of the story, we will also earn some bonus points that will be useful to us to unlock extra content in the form of Making of, Storyboard and themes of the soundtrack.

Detroit Conclusion and Final Words: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human undoubtedly drinks from a multitude of well-known science fiction works. Perhaps the most obvious references are the works of Isaac Asimov and his laws of robotics. There's even a big parallel with Blade Runner and his pursuit of divergent droids. David Cage builds around all this a great game that beyond telling the story of androids, claims many of the current situations. Racial discrimination, global overpopulation and the deterioration of the planet, including species that have disappeared.

Many themes are connected and intertwined with them, we find the three stories of our protagonists. Each of them calls us to continue playing to know the future of each of the androids and those around them. They have tried to spin very fine and mostly they succeed. Removing a couple of less developed chapters, the tempo of the game works very well. At first slower and increasingly taking more running.

The audiovisual quality that the game gives off and the care taken to achieve a cinematographic experience like never before must be praised. As always, this will be a point in favor of those looking for a game that prioritizes history over freedom of play. A really well done interactive drama that may not appeal to everyone.

Personally, I think there is room for all kinds of games and genres. And when it comes to Detroit: Become Human, it certainly deserves to be played if you like this kind of game.

Detroit Become Human - Standard Edition Minimum price offered by this seller in the 30 days prior to the offer: 46.27 EUR 24.49 WE RECOMMEND Ozone BoomBox Review in Spanish (Full Review)



+ Very realistic graphics.

- In some chapters the decisions do not influence as much.

+ Very interesting decision tree and story. - Simple difficulty even in Expert mode.

+ Great OST and dubbing.


The Professional Review team awards you the Gold Medal and the Recommended Product Badge.

Detroit: Become Human


SOUND - 89%



PRICE - 82%



Editor's choice

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