Denmark creates a police unit against piracy

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In recent times we see how the fight against piracy is intensifying significantly. Denmark is now the next to announce important measures. The Government of the Scandinavian country has created a new police unit to deal with crimes related to intellectual property. At the moment it is working as a test. Although the idea is that it is a long-term project.
Denmark creates a police unit against piracy
It is not the first case in which a country creates a special police unit to fight this type of crime. But, it seems that it is beginning to become commonplace. In the UK there is currently something similar in the police.
Denmark fights against piracy
The Danish Government thus gives the green light to this initiative. A working group is created that will operate under the wings of the police. But, this group will focus exclusively on crimes against intellectual property. It arises after the joint effort of Danish commercial organizations so that the public also takes a prominent role in the elimination of this type of crime.
This group will handle existing cases that violate copyright and will be responsible for applying digital law. Initially, there will be about five or six researchers who work in this unit. Additionally, this group is fully empowered to engage in efforts to block pirated sites.
Blocking pirated sites is becoming commonplace. Although until now it generally occurred after civil proceedings initiated by copyright owners. It seems that with this police unit in Denmark, there would be no need to wait for these civil proceedings to take place. At the moment it is a test, so it will be necessary to see how its implementation evolves.
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