Dropbox will disable publishing of public files

It was rumored a few months ago that Dropbox will remove the option to store documents in the public folder. And as the saying goes "when the river sounds, water carries…"
Well, it is official, on July 31 this new regulation from the developers of the giant Dropbox will take effect.
How to store dropbox and google drive files on pc without taking up space

Dropbox and Google Drive, as well as other online storage services that offer programs for Windows and Mac, are useful because they are capable of
Nvidia will stop publishing drivers for its gpus fermi

NVIDIA has announced that it will stop publishing Game Ready drivers for its Fermi graphics cards. This means that all of its future Game Ready controllers, starting with the ones that will be released later this month, will only be available for the Kepler, Maxwell and current Pascal series GPUs.
.Dat files - what are these files and how do I open them?

If you do not know how to react to .dat files, here we will explain what they are, how to open them and some ways to see this data.