
Bitcoin is still in free fall, it has come to drop from $ 6000

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It was already known about the great volatility of the value of cryptocurrencies, something that causes their value to vary greatly from one day to the next. Bitcoin is in charge of proving it in recent weeks and has already dropped below $ 6, 000.

Bitcoin has dropped below $ 6, 000

It seems that the bitcoin bubble has started to explode and the cryptocurrency is plummeting, if it had reached a value of $ 20, 000 at the end of 2017, now its value has dropped below $ 6, 000. Such was the escalation of Bitcoin in 2017 that there was talk that in a few years it could reach a value of a million dollars, something that, today, is further from happening than ever.

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In this way, Bitcoin has lost much of its value in just over a month, something that will have been very bad for those who bet on buying them when their value was at its maximum. There were not a few who warned that the cryptocurrency bubble would end up exploding this year 2018, for now it seems that they were right and the effects have not been long.

For the peace of mind of Bitcoin holders, we must say that it has recovered part of its value and has already exceeded $ 8, 000. For now all you can do is wait to see if Bitcoin sees its value stabilize or if it ends up sinking over the next few weeks.


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