
It is still possible to upgrade to windows 10 for free

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Microsoft decided at the beginning of the year to announce that for all users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. it was going to be possible to upgrade to Windows 10 for free. A promise that the company has fulfilled and that also came as a measure to prevent users from using false licenses. But, this is coming to an end because tomorrow is December 31st.

It is still possible to upgrade to Windows 10 for free

Therefore, for all those users who make use of Windows 7 and Windows 8 they only have about 24 hours left to be able to update for free to the latest and latest version of the American company's operating system.

Can still upgrade to Windows 10

It is a legal way to enjoy all the functions that Windows 10 has. It is simply about making use of the accessibility functions and in this way taking advantage of the opportunity that the company has offered throughout this 2017. A way for users to get hold of this version of the operating system for free.

In addition, Windows 10 is the latest operating system that the company will carry out. What they do is update twice a year with important news. Something that so far is working very well for the company.

Therefore, if you are interested in updating to Windows 10, it is still possible to do it for free. Tomorrow December 31st is the last day that this is possible. So do not miss this opportunity and not have to spend money this way. The way to update is by going to the Microsoft Accessibility page and there you have all the steps to follow.


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