
Coronavirus will negatively affect sales of pcs, according to idc

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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is reported to be wreaking havoc on the tech industry. The latest IDC predictions shared on Thursday provided some figures on how the Coronavirus outbreak may hurt the PC market this year, with results seen in the first quarter.

Coronavirus will negatively affect PC sales this year

"We have already given up almost a month of production given the two-week extension to the Lunar New Year recess, and we expect the road to recovery in China's supply chain will be a long one with a slow trickle of labor from Back to factories in affected provinces until May, when the weather improves , ” Linn Huang, vice president for research, Devices and Displays, IDC, said in a statement. "Many critical components, such as panels, touch sensors and printed circuit boards, leave these impacted regions, which will cause a supply crisis by the second quarter . "

The IDC figures detail the forecasts that were made before the Coronavirus attacked, as well as afterward, as you can see from the table above. Before the outbreak, the analyst expected traditional PC shipments to decrease 6.8% yoy in the second quarter; now they expect them to decrease 10.3%. IDC also attributed the decline to the transition from Windows 7 to Windows 10, now that Windows 7 has reached the end of its useful life.

IDC also said it expects an 8.2% drop in shipments during the first quarter of 2020, followed by a 12.7% decline in the second quarter “as existing inventory of components and finished products from the first quarter is it will be exhausted by the second quarter ”.

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IDC predicted that the second half of 2020 will also show a decline in the market, but with better growth than the first half.

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