The galaxy fold depleted in its reserves in some countries

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The Galaxy Fold is one of the phones of the moment, despite the problems on the screen that seems to be suffering. A week ago the phone reservation period was officially opened. Despite its high price, it seems that consumers want to have this Samsung phone. In some markets it is even sold out on the firm's website.
The Galaxy Fold depleted in its reserves in some countries
Although Samsung already commented that there would be limited units, it seems that the demand is being higher than what many, the company included, expected.
The Galaxy Fold is a success
For now we do not have specific reservation data on the phone. Samsung has not wanted to share any information in this regard so far. But we can see that the reservations are going well, because users in some markets trying to reserve the high-end, get a message that the units are out of stock, so it is not possible at the moment.
While it is said that there will be more units soon. Although it must be taken into account that in a couple of weeks this phone of the Korean brand will be officially launched in Europe. So some may have to wait to buy it in stores.
What is clear is that the Galaxy Fold is a smartphone that generates interest in the market. Even being one of the most expensive phones out there today, consumers are running for it. We will see when it reaches the market if we have more sales or reservation data.
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