Do not disturb while driving mode will hit apps in 2018

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A behavior that unfortunately has increased is the use of the phone at the wheel. Many users use the phone while driving to call or reply to messages. A very dangerous behavior that has already caused many fatalities on the road. Therefore, the Google Pixel 2 included an annoying mode that is activated when the user drives. Thus, you will not receive calls, messages or notifications.
Do not disturb while driving mode will hit apps in 2018
A very interesting feature that little by little seeks to break through in the market. It seems that the first applications that will introduce this mode will be ready for next year. At the beginning of next year, the API that controls the Pixel 2 in this way will be released.
Do not disturb mode
The release of the API is an important moment, because it already gives way to third-party applications that can make use of this mode. So soon the applications will start to introduce the do not disturb mode when the user is driving. In this way, the user will be prevented from receiving calls, messages or notifications while driving. Thus, we avoid any distraction.
Without a doubt, Google's decision opens many doors for applications. In addition, others like Spotify already work in their own do not disturb mode. The Swedish application prepares a mode that automatically detects when the user is driving. So it seems that the industry is already very busy with this.
We will have to wait until next year for the first applications with this do not disturb mode to reach the market. So in the coming months we will know what they are and how they incorporate this mode into their operation.
Bundle stars: born 2 race 4, get 8 driving games for 1.15 euros

The new Bundle Stars: Born 2 Race 4 allows you to get 8 driving games for a reduced price of just 1.15 euros.
How to use do not disturb mode on ios 12

With iOS 12, the Do Not Disturb mode of the iPhone and iPad has introduced improvements that favor greater control by the user
Pixel 2 will automatically activate do not disturb mode when driving

The Pixel 2 will automatically activate Do Not Disturb mode when driving. Find out more about this new feature of the Pixel 2.