Youtube dark mode reaches all android users

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We've talked about the new dark mode on YouTube before since the first information came out almost a year ago. IPhone users received the new functionality in March, and even a small number of lucky Android users gained early access a couple of months ago. It seems like today is finally the day when all Android users use the dark YouTube theme.
YouTube offers dark mode to all users
You may receive a new message the next time you open the YouTube app. It will prompt you to try the new dark theme with a button to enable it immediately. If it works, you will see basically everything, but the video thumbnails change from light to dark, or in the case of the buttons, from dark to light. In general, it is much better for the eyes in low ambient light conditions.
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However, for many users it will be impossible to use this dark mode, since when trying to enable it nothing will happen. In many cases, users have been able to force it to work with YouTube shutdown and restart, but even that has been random. If you're stuck in this position, first check Settings -> General for a Dark theme change. If it's not there, you can get it by clearing the storage in the YouTube app, starting and waiting a few minutes while extracting data from the YouTube server, then close again and restart the app.
Undoubtedly, all users will appreciate the arrival of this new functionality in the most popular streaming video application in the world. This dark mode will be especially useful for users who use the terminal at night, although reducing the amount of light emitted by the screen will be beneficial for all users.
What do you think about the arrival of this new functionality in the YouTube application for Android? You can leave a comment with your impressions.
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