
The number of facebook users continues to grow

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Facebook had a 2018 full of scandals and the first month of 2019 has not skimped on it either. Despite all these scandals surrounding the social network, they continue to grow in number of users worldwide. Although there are markets in which the number of users has decreased, globally they have had remarkable growth, so that there are already 2.3 billion users.

The number of Facebook users continues to grow

In this way, it continues to be the social network with the most users worldwide, at a great distance from the rest. It seems that the many scandals have no influence on users.

Facebook grows more

In this case, the increase in users throughout 2018 was 8.9%. A good figure for Facebook, which was possibly his most difficult year. Although in the months following the Cambridge Analytica scandal it was already apparent that the firm's financial results had not been impacted in any way.

Every day, an estimated 1, 540 million people use the social network. Also this number of users who log into their account daily has increased in 2018 compared to 2017. An increase of 8.6% in this case, so the social network is used more.

In short, good figures for Facebook, which sees users increase. In the United States it grew by three million and across Europe it increased by eleven million users. So despite having partially lost the younger segment, they continue to grow worldwide.

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