
The price of dram and ssd memories will drop sharply in 2019

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According to DRAMeXchange , DRAM memory products have started to see a 'weak' price trend, showing only a 1-2% rise in contract prices for the third quarter of this year due to continued oversupply. NAND Flash memory prices are also experiencing price drops in the third quarter.

The price of DRAM and SSD (NAND Flash) memories are experiencing price declines that will continue in 2019

DRAMeXchange expects prices for DRAM products to decrease 5% or more in 4Q18 (fourth quarter), thus ending the streak of nine consecutive quarters with price increases. They anticipate that in 2019 a price drop of between 15 and 20% per year will be experienced.

On the NAND Flash memory side, these experienced a price drop of around 10% in the third quarter and a steeper drop of 10-15% is expected in the fourth quarter, very good news for users.

Contract prices for 3D TLC NAND chips on the market may even drop above 15% in the last quarter of the year, according to estimates.

The source is pointing out that the main reasons for the decrease in demand for DRAM have several reasons. Firstly, the smartphone market this year may not see very high sales, as demand for smartphone replacements has been slow due to the lack of differentiation between products in terms of hardware specifications. A second reason may be because sales of laptops and PCs can be affected by a shortage of Intel CPUs.

But the good news does not end here, with the increase in the production capacity of 3D NAND memories, in 2019 a price decrease of between 25 and 30% is expected. Suppliers intend to increase their capacity to produce 3D NAND memories by 20% for next year, as supply will improve over demand.

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