
The price of ram memories begins to drop at a slower rate

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According to Nanya Technology, drops in prices for RAM (DRAM) are expected to slow down from the second quarter of 2019, as overall market demand is picking up.

The fall in the price of RAM memory is slowing down

The market is waking up and demand is starting to rise again, which is logical because prices are more affordable now for RAM modules.

The DRAMs market will become more favorable according to Nanya and other chip providers in the third quarter, the Taiwan-based company said, adding that the second half will show better market conditions than the first half of the year.

During the second quarter, therefore, we will have a slowdown in price declines and will likely stabilize around the third quarter of 2019.

Nanya's revenue increased 54% for the year, reaching a record high of $ 84.72 billion ($ 2.75 billion) in 2018, and gross margin and operating margin also reached record levels of 55% and 46, 5%, respectively. The company attributed its positive performance to favorable market conditions, updates to its manufacturing technology, and growth in bit shipments.

This information is probably not good news for us consumers, but for memory makers, who broke all records last year.

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