
Petya ransomware spreads across the world

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Ransomware is once again the protagonist. A new ransomware attack is spreading across the world. Under the name of Petya it is attacking numerous companies and entities around the world. Victims include the Kiev metro, the Ukrainian government, and many companies.

Petya ransomware spreads worldwide

Yesterday this new attack began. Many companies and entities have seen how their data has been hijacked by attackers. The operation is being very similar to that of the WannaCry attack recently.

$ 300 bailout in Bitcoins

The main victims of this attack are located in Ukraine (where even the Central Bank is a victim of the attack), Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Russia, Denmark and Germany. Although the attack is expanding on a global scale at great speed, so in a matter of hours more countries will be victims. There are also Spanish companies affected by this attack.

Petya's attack is taking advantage of the same vulnerability that WannaCry took advantage of in its day. In order to release their data, the attackers are requesting the payment of $ 300 in Bitcoins. Although the way to rescue the computer is the same, the way in which they are attacking seems to have some slight differences, since now data is not encrypted. Rather, they render the computer inoperable.

Authorities are currently working on solutions. Victims are advised not to pay the ransom at any time, as it is not a guarantee that you will recover your data or files. We will see how Petya's attack evolves in the coming hours. What do you think of this new attack? Have you been victims of Petya?


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