
Linux computers attacked by the sambacry vulnerability

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Computer attacks continue to make headlines this year. We have had WannaCry ransomware, which has affected hundreds of thousands of Windows users worldwide.

Linux computers attacked by SambaCry vulnerability

Now comes the turn of Linux computers. A recently discovered vulnerability in Samba, called SambaCry, puts Linux computers exposed to the Internet. In this way they are vulnerable to an attack of the same intensity as WannaCry.

SambaCry: Vulnerability in Linux

Researchers have reportedly already detected malware taking advantage of this vulnerability on Linux computers. In the detected cases it has been seen that the computers have been infected with cryptocurrency mining software. The number of users attacked is not known exactly, although hackers have already made a profit through these attacks.

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The vulnerability in Samba was revealed a couple of weeks ago. A couple of days after being revealed, the first attack was perpetrated. Since then the attackers have already obtained 98 XMR (Monero a cryptocurrency). It has been approximately about 4, 700 euros to change. So if they continue like this, they will get great benefits. Since in the last days the rate of the rewards obtained has increased. Analysts comment that they get 5 XMR a day, and this average may increase even in the coming days.

Luckily, the Samba vulnerability has already been fixed. At least in versions 4.6.4 / 4.5.10 / 4.4.14. For those with another version, a security patch will arrive very soon. They are already in development, although an exact date for their release is not known. We hope that solutions will come soon and the number of those affected does not continue to grow.


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