
Error 400 bad request: what is it and how can we solve it?

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When we are browsing the vast Internet , a thousand and one errors can arise and knowing this, it may sound strange that we almost never come across one. This is because of how sophisticated many systems are, but when we crash into a bug, we often don't know what to do. What is Error 400 Bad Request and how to deal with it is something we will see in this article.

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Error 400 Bad Request

You may have missed the Error 400 Bad Request while browsing the Internet . It commonly arises when the connection is unstable, at which time the information used can be compromised. However, it can be caused by many other reasons that we will see later.

Like many other errors that we suffer when we surf the net, the Error 400 Bad Request always lurks when we least expect it. However, this small setback has the peculiarity of not having a specific trigger. On the other side of the spectrum we have errors known as Error 404 or Error 500 whose origins are much clearer.

Error 400 Bad Request literally means Incorrect Request or Wrong Request and is mainly due to discrepancies between server and client. In other words, our computer (the client) has been unable to successfully communicate with the web host.

This may be for a thousand reasons, so to solve it we will have to try different solutions. Below we will list some of the most common causes for which this error may appear.

Reasons for an Error 400 Bad Request

As we have indicated, this error occurs when there is a misunderstanding between the server and the client.

Things like the Internet connection going down or being unstable can affect communication between computers. When you lose connection, your request may be interrupted, which would directly cause an Error 400 Bad Request .

Something also relatively common is that a link has been badly copied. This could produce such an error when trying to access a non-existent address, so the server does not know what to do. Something similar occurs when some links have symbols that are not allowed or not recommended, although this is less common.

Finally, we wanted to comment on the case that your browser saved old and / or corrupted information. It's one of the strangest things that can happen to you, but a poorly programmed cookie could spoil the party at the worst possible time.

Unfortunately, the problem of not being a specific mistake will haunt us all the time. The only way to get more data is if the web has support for Windows IIS (Internet Information Services) .

These are its best developed codes:

Microsoft IIS 400 error codes
400.1 Invalid Header Destination
400.2 Invalid Header Depth
400.3 Invalid Conditional Header
400.4 Invalid Overwrite Header
400.5 Invalid Translation Header
400.6 Invalid Petition Corps
400.7 Invalid Content Length
400.8 Invalid Dead Time
400.9 Invalid Locked Token

If by chance you come across a page that offers this information, you can undermine more data on this link.

This 'standard' serves to determine the nature of certain failures by offering us extra information on a case by case basis, the problem is that it is really old. Windows XP already had very limited coverage to Windows IIS , so the web will need to be old school.

How to fix Error 400 Bad Request ?

We recommend you try all the solutions you have in this list until you find the solution. Although any of them could solve your problem, we still do not know what it could be.

To speed up the process a little, we will first point out the most useful solutions. For this reason, we recommend you carry them out in order and checking if the desired website works after each solution.

1. Check the Internet connection

If you have temporarily or temporarily lost the Internet , it is very likely that this or another error may have arisen. In the best case, the window will change after a few minutes indicating that you have no connection, although you can see it before in the toolbar.

If you have suffered from a recent network outage, wait a while for your Internet to restart properly. The problem may have arisen when the router was over-saturated at a time when it was unable to offer communications.

2. Restart the web page

The error may come from a momentary server bug. It is a rare case, but it is a check that we do in a matter of seconds and can quickly get us out of doubt.

On the other hand, if the problem had been caused by the client, a second request will not be superfluous, rather the other way around. If it was a point error by the client due to a bug or similar, a second attempt will almost certainly achieve a positive result.

Also, every good computer scientist knows that restarting electronic devices is usually one of the best solutions (except when it is not) . This ancestral technique has been passed down from generation to generation and almost allows you to earn your Computer Engineering degree.

3. Open other web pages

As part of the process of narrowing the problem, opening other web pages will confirm if the problem is with your computer / network or the server.

In the best case, it will be said website that is having errors, so you can access other servers. If this is the case, we recommend you speak to a representative or contact on the page to inform them of the problem. The solution shouldn't take long, so you just need to wait.

Unfortunately, the problem is much more likely to come from your network / computer. In this case you will have to try other of the following methods.

4. Clear cookies and browser cache

This point will depend a lot on which browser you use. In most of them, this option will be located in the Configuration section.

Clear the browser cache in Google Chrome

If you wonder why delete this data, the answer is simple.

Although they are not the same, both cookies and browser caches store data from your different websites you visit. This is done to speed up certain processes or else every time you refresh the page it would take a long time, in addition to needing to log in continuously.

However, these data are not safe and there is always a small chance that they will suffer a bug. Therefore, it is a good solution to delete them all and ask the server to request another new copy of the same data.

5. Excessively large files

This case is more specific, but it is considerably common. Not only browsers suffer from Error 400 Bad Request , since email platforms and others are also vulnerable.

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Here the error between client-server is much rarer, what can happen is that when uploading a file, it is too large. This triggers error 400, since the server cannot upload as much information at once and is not ready for it.

It can also happen in repository websites or those that let you upload files, where one too massive can cause this error.

6. Check the link

A link can be 'compromised' if some extra value is added voluntarily or involuntarily , for example.

Fortunately, this has been solved in many browsers, but it is something that we should confirm. Aside from making sure the link is correct, we also recommend making sure it comes from a reliable source.

On the other hand, it can also happen that the link exceeds the limit established by the server. Although there is no limit to the size of the links, a receiving server can demand a maximum from you.

7. Clean the

This case is much rarer, since the system is usually much more robust on the network side. However, if no previous solution works for you, we recommend cleaning the DNS cache.

To do this, open Command Prompt by typing 'cmd' in the Start search bar. We recommend you do it with the right click to get Administrator Permissions. Then, to finish, type the command: ' ipconfig / flushdns'.

Command to clean DNS in Windows

On MacOS you will have to enter another series of commands, but there is a problem: the command line usually changes with each new version. Since we don't know when you will read this article, we recommend that you explicitly search for the code to clear the DNS caches of your Mac version.

If DNS was the problem, the thing should be fixed. This performs an action similar to clearing the cache, where the DNS will be reset and prompted again.

Final words on Error 400 Bad Request

For better or for worse, this error encompasses a large number of problems.

We believe the best solution would be to create a new standard and break it down into smaller errors. However, this is unlikely to occur as it is a cross-platform constant and widespread.

What we do know is that if you have a decent connection and equipment, neither this nor any other errors should haunt you while browsing.

Therefore, we recommend you check the health of your equipment, as well as make sure that your connection is stable. With these two formulas, you will ensure that you are practically immune to these imperfections.

Finally, remember that if the problem comes from the server side, you will not be able to do anything. It will be something like a simple fall, so we can only hope to see when it is fixed. In the best case, you can contact them via social networks, but the possibilities are low.

Regarding the article, we hope you have understood it easily and that you have been able to apply it. If you have other tips, share them with other users.

And now tell us, have you ever suffered an Error 400 Bad Request at an important moment? What do you think is the most common reason for this error to arise? Share your ideas and experiences in the comment box.

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