
This is how the CIA spies on other intelligence agencies in the world

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Turn of more leaks by WikiLeaks. They again leak documents that show CIA practices. Now they reveal how the CIA spies on its intelligence partners around the world to covertly collect information on their systems.

This is how the CIA spies on other intelligence agencies in the world

ExpressLane is the name of this project whereby the agency obtained data from other intelligence agencies. It is based on spyware that CIA officers install manually as part of a routine upgrade of the biometric system.

CIA ExpressLane

This was developed by the CIA Office of Technical Services. In this way, an agency worker visits a friendly intelligence agency to install a system update. What you are actually doing is introducing ExpressLane into the agency's system. Although, a normal update screen appears on the screen with its loading bar.

ExpressLane includes two components. One of them is create partition, which allows agents to create a covert partition. While the other is the exit ramp, which allows agents to steal data stored on the hidden partition. WikiLeaks has also revealed that ExpressLane is automatically removed after six months.

Among the agencies in which the CIA has carried out this type of practice are some both national and international. From what can be seen how far the American agency is willing to go to fulfill its goals, whatever they may be.


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