
Is it bad to sleep with the mobile on?

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Many people usually sleep with the mobile on next to the bed, usually on the nightstand. It is a very common practice worldwide. But, for a long time, voices have begun to emerge commenting that this practice may not be entirely beneficial to the health of users. Since there seem to be some possible dangers for people.

Is it bad to sleep with the mobile on?

Various health experts comment that there are several problems related to sleeping on a mobile phone so close to us. Although, not all problems are related to the radiation that the devices emit.

Dangers of sleeping with the phone switched on

Depending on the medium studied, there are experts who comment on some potential dangers and others who mention completely different ones. But, there are usually some in common.

The most common dangers or problems are those related to sleep. According to a study that was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the problem originates on the screen of the devices. The luminescence of the screens causes melatonin to be reduced. For those who do not know what melatonin is, it is the sleep regulating hormone. So there is a direct relationship with rest, as we also tell you below. In addition, it delays and reduces REM sleep.

Another of the most common topics mentioned in these cases is radiation. So far there is no study that proves with complete truth that the mobile phone causes cancer or can help its development, or that it is harmful to health. Although it must be said that there are many studies that see signs of it. But, it still takes time to be able to demonstrate the relationship between both phenomena.

So it is a possible danger that is there and that is important to be aware of. Since it can be taken as a simple precautionary measure to avoid problems in the future. Magnetic waves, which although not very powerful in the case of mobile phones, are not beneficial for our body. Also, prolonged exposure can cause damage.

Therefore, it is recommended to leave the device at a safe distance. Since, most often, we are all day with our phone. We use it, and generally carry it in our pocket. So even if it's only at night, leaving it at a slightly farther distance than normal can be beneficial.

Leave the mobile before sleeping

Many people take the phone to bed and use it until the last moment. This is something that most experts advise against, since the screens of the devices have negative effects on people. Not only because of the effect they have on people's eyes. But, they can help us lose the ability to fall asleep. So it may cost us more to sleep, reasons that we have already explained to you.

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In addition, there are also many people who wake up with device notifications. Something that can end up causing insomnia. Since the body enters a kind of constant state of alert in which it has to be alert to any possible notification. So the quality of sleep is noticeably impaired. In addition, insomnia can cause cardiac disorders in the long term.

For this reason, many recommend that you stop using your mobile an hour or two before going to sleep. While there may be times when this is not possible, it is best to try to do this on a daily basis. In this way a healthy routine is created. In addition, many media point out that it is better to leave the mobile at a safe distance from the bed. That we can hear the alarm clock, but not that it is so close that we can take it at any time. Since it helps us as we have previously explained.

Another possible solution is to turn off the device. Although, few users do this, since they prefer to be available in case something happens. But, it is also a good way to avoid possible health problems.

Therefore, sleeping with the mobile next to the bed can have negative effects. Sleep problems are the most common in most cases. Something that many people suffer from. The possible effects of magnetic waves have not been demonstrated so far, although it is recommended to be exposed as little as possible. What do you do? Do you turn off the phone before sleeping?


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