
United states recommends other countries not to use huawei phones

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Huawei has become one of the most popular brands on the market today. Its sales have increased significantly worldwide. Although the United States market is one that the firm has not finished conquering. In fact, they have been in trouble for months, partly due to tensions between China and America. And the American government itself boycotts the brand.

The United States recommends to other countries not to use Huawei phones

Since they are recommending to other countries, Canada one of them, that they do not make use of the devices of the Chinese brand. A recommendation that could pose a problem for the brand.

America vs. Huawei

So the Chinese brand's problems with the United States are far from over. It is not the first time that Huawei has problems with the country. Although they are also experiencing other problems, such as Australia, which prohibited the company from working on the development of 5G in the country. Security is the reason that is given at all times. Since they affirm that the data that the Chinese brand uses reaches the Chinese government.

It also appears that Germany believes that Huawei is not involved in the development of 5G in the country. It is not something that has been made official, but is considered and could happen at some point. A hard blow to the company in its international development.

It remains to be seen how these problems affect the company, which is one of the companies that currently sells the most. Will it have an effect on world sales?

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