
Google pressures the United States to huawei use android again

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Google has no interest in Huawei stopping Android on its phones and having to use its own operating system. The Chinese phone maker doesn't see it as a good idea. Since they consider that in this way the risk is actually increased. So they are pressing the American government to remove this veto against the Chinese manufacturer.

Google pressures the United States for Huawei to use Android again

A news item that arrives on the eve of the G20. China and the United States are expected to meet, with possible views on further negotiations of their trade agreement.

An agreement that saves everything

For weeks, there has been talk that an agreement between China and the United States would solve this situation, avoiding the blockade of Huawei. Therefore, the fact that they will meet again opens this possibility again. Surely the situation of the company is one of the topics of conversation at this meeting, so we will be attentive to what happens at this event.

Google considers it important that the Chinese manufacturer continues to use Android on its phones. They believe that if they use their own operating system it would be easier to spy on the brand's phones. So it is better that they use Android.

It remains to be seen if Google's pressures have any effect. Huawei is currently on a 90-day truce, which ends on August 19. Therefore, it does not appear that there are any changes at the moment, although it will have to be seen if this G20 summit helps to promote any solution.

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