
Facebook decides to improve its privacy settings

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Facebook continues to live the consequences of the scandal with Cambridge Analytica. The social network has been at the center of the controversy since last week. Something that doesn't seem to end soon. Therefore, they begin to take some measures with which they hope to lessen the storm in some way. The first one comes with an improvement in your privacy settings.

Facebook decides to improve its privacy settings

Until now, privacy settings on the social network were scattered across several different menus. Therefore, the social network changes it and everyone will be grouped in one place. Something that will allow users to handle everything more comfortably.

Facebook begins to take action

In this way, with this change that will begin to reach users over the next few days, it will be easier to manage and administer privacy on the social network. So the user will be more aware of how things work and who will be able to see what they publish. Although this measure does not change anything in the practices of the company.

Facebook will continue to store user data. Much information, as has been seen over the past few days. Something that attracts attention, because it is the way in which the social network obtains and treats data that has caused controversy around the world.

These new privacy settings are expected to become official in the coming days. Although no official dates for it have been revealed. A first measure that leaves users with mixed feelings. Since it seems more like an attempt to try to make up this situation.

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