
Facebook will implement artificial intelligence to its social network

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Mark Zukerberg's plan for Facebook to lead the development of artificial intelligence in the next 10 years is already underway. The leader of the popular social network made a presentation of the F8, the annual developer conference that the company always holds in the city of San Francisco.

Artificial intelligence applied to Facebook in the next 10 years

Mark Zukerberg reviewed a list of tasks for the next 10 years in the field of artificial intelligence and in other facets, from new artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms applied to Facebook and the live broadcast of 3D videos in 360 degrees.

What will it consist of?

Zuckerberg has commented on part of the artificial intelligence implementation that they plan to apply on Facebook in the coming years, such as identifying if the user who is logging in is really the real user or someone who has hacked that account, upload the news that can really interest the user at that moment or show the photographs of people that may be of interest to us based simply on their image and our personal tastes as well as the classification of videos in real time.

Video about the interaction of artificial intelligence on Facebook

One of the most interesting phrases that largely summarizes Facebook's goal to improve artificial intelligence is the one said by Beltzer:

“Today, many people complain that their phone vibrates and they don't know if it is important enough to bother taking the phone out of their pocket. You will know the difference between a child posting a photo of their pet compared to a friend you have not seen in 10 years in a cafeteria on the same street where you could meet him in 10 minutes."

Facebook has also commented on the implementation of AI in the field of medicine and space research, something that today seems like science fiction but that in 10 years could be perfectly possible. Mark Zukerberg's company currently has about 50 people working in the field of artificial intelligence.


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