
Facebook launches lite: super light version of the app for older devices


Facebook is testing a simplified version of the social network, Facebook Lite. Developed for Android smartphones or with more accessible performance, the more 'lite' mobile version is committed to meeting emerging market mobiles and pursues a less demanding career than the traditional application.

It seems that Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the social network, is really willing to invest in new applications and transform Facebook into a broader application. First it was the groups, launched late last year to organize groups of personals, now it is the turn of Facebook Lite, which is still in testing. The idea is to expand the use of the software for users of older or weaker-performing devices, but it appears that many Latin American countries will be left off this list, at least for now.

The function began to be tested in countries in Africa and Asia, such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam, in this last week. Everything happened very smoothly without official announcements. The new version has a simpler design, but it seems that it includes the main functions provided by the “complete” application on Facebook, such as the option to enjoy, comment, share, in addition to bringing a hidden menu with other functions.

Building the application is very simple and basic, removing the extras and using an APK of about 252 KB instead of the heavy 27 MB that the traditional application can achieve. It is also based on Snaptu, but includes style push notifications and integration with the camera, for the publication of photos.

These factors make enough difference, especially on smartphones, higher income or using a lower Internet speed, for example. In this way, the application is accessible to more users, without depending on the power of the device. With the arrival of Facebook Lite, the novelty should not integrate the long-awaited virtual intelligence.


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