
Facebook cracks down on fake news

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Facebook has a big problem with fake news. The social network is one of the most common means for expanding them. For this reason, measures have been taken for some time with which to try to prevent them from expanding. The social network now announces new and stricter measures, in a new attempt to achieve it. In this case, they focus on groups and pages that post fake news.

Facebook takes action against groups and pages that publish fake news

Page owners will start to see a section called Page Quality. This is a measure that provides users with information on how their page works, if they are doing well in this regard.

New measures on Facebook

This is something that will come out when the social network has removed content that goes against its community rules. In addition, when the publications or their distribution have been reduced, because it has been demonstrated or they have been classified as false. So Facebook will show those pages that publish false news as low quality, based on this new standard.

In addition, it has been revealed that the social network reserves the right to remove pages and groups affiliated with others that have previously violated the platform's rules, despite the fact that these pages have not yet done so. Therefore, they seek to cut the root problem.

Also those pages that resort to clickbait, spam or hate messages will be removed. Facebook will start with these measures this week, so we will probably see that many pages or groups end up being deleted. Will it help against fake news?

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