
Fake news continues to dominate facebook

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Months ago, Facebook announced measures against the fake news that is so widely spread on the social network. But at this time, although changes have been made, fake news still has a huge presence on the web. In fact Fox News (a medium related to President Trump) is still the most published medium on the social network.

Fake news continues to dominate Facebook

What has especially changed is that users now have less interaction with news published by conventional means. So they are exposed to more posts from friends, either their own or shared.

Facebook continues to have a problem with fake news

The changes that Facebook made to the algorithm caused Fox News to cease to be the most popular medium on the social network. Although in this April they have returned to the first position. A medium that is known for sharing only what is positive for the President of the United States.

In addition, fake news continues to sneak into the social network without any control. So it is very easy to find news that have been invented or that have half-information to users. Something that worries researchers, who see that there are no significant changes in the social network in this regard.

At the moment nothing has been said from the social network. Although this research makes it clear that the problems are far from ending on the social network. Since the presence of fake news is still huge, at least in the United States. So it will have to be seen if new measures are taken.

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