
Fornite has managed to surpass pubg in popularity

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Who was going to say it? that that Fornite 'Battle Royale' modality, which Epic launched to get on the bandwagon of PUBG (Players Battlegorund Unknown) popularity was going to end up surpassing it in terms of popularity.

Fornite continues to take players away from PUBG

The Fornite 'Battle Royale' that everyone knows was actually a multiplayer mode released a few months after the launch of the 'original' Fornite (which is currently paid), an open world game with zombies and with the ability to build buildings. Epic Games released Fornite last year, just as PUBG was being all the rage. Seeing the success of the PUBG formula, Epic had the brilliant idea to take the original Fornite and launch a free modality with the same gameplay as PUBG, hundreds of players falling onto an island and killing each other until only one survives.

Fornite 'Battle Royale' was officially launched on September 26, 2017 and from the first moment it was already pointing ways. As the months went by, the Fornite took away players from PUBG, to the point that today, the game is more popular than PUBG, as can be seen in the Google trending (image above) or in the number of viewers who watch the game on platforms like Twitch .

It is important to know that PUBG is not a free game, it costs about $ 29.99 on Steam, while Fornite is completely free, so the Bluehole game is at a disadvantage, even so, the number of players it owns is huge. At the time of this writing, PUBG peaked 2, 328, 959 simultaneous players on Steam, a total madness.

The fury for the 'Battle Royale' also reaches mobile devices

The popularity of both has also reached mobile, with the launch of versions for Android and iOS devices, both free on these platforms. Who will win this battle? Which game do you think is best?

Source (Image) YoutubeGoogle TrendsThe Controller people


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