
Nvidia minicomputer has already managed to create artificial intelligence in drones


NVIDIA introduced the Jetson TX1 basically a pocket supercomputer developed to bring artificial intelligence resources to various types of equipment such as drones and robots of other formats. The Nvidia pocket supercomputer can deliver up to 1 teraflop data processing and is built around a Tegra GPU, responsible for the module's high efficiency that consumes just 10 watts.

With all this processing power, Nvidia hopes the Jetson TX1 will be at the heart of products that employ artificial intelligence resources for the function.

The Jetson TK1 can be understood as a kind of Arduino for those who need high processing capacity for applications such as real-time navigation, image recognition, autonomous control devices like drones.

The size of a credit card, the Jetson TX1 uses CUDA's line of development kits, Nvidia. Thus, inventors can take advantage of the graphics processor's high parallel processing capacity at the heart of it all: a Tegra X1, used in tablets and car entertainment centers.

The card also features 4GB of DDR4 memory, 16GB of data storage, an Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection. Camera interfaces give the possibility to integrate GPS, cameras and other peripherals like that.

The Jetson TX1 commercialization will begin to be offered on November 12 and its cost is $ 599, which consists of the board and a development kit and an issue of $ 299 that contains only the card.


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