Google adds a drm to android applications

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Google has released a new function that adds a metadata string to all APK files when signed by the developer, it is a DRM system that prevents installing an application that has not been signed during its final compilation.
Google implements a DRM system in Android applications
The concept of DRM is nothing new, in fact, it has been and is a great drag on PC games, which are riddled with DRM systems that often have problems, which are not suffered by those users who choose to play the pirated version of the game, it is ironic that those who pay get a worse experience.
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In this case, DRM is a way for a developer or publisher to keep track of software versions and authenticity. A reason that is correct, but there is concern that Google will one day begin to limit how, where, when and why we can use the apps we pay for.
A ndroid can read the metadata that is automatically inserted into an application and verify that they are a legitimate version and that the developer has approved their use, if you pass these controls, it is added to the Google Play Store library. The developer can change the metadata at any time with a new signing key , ending support for the current version and creating a new list on Google Play.
Google says it did this to allow developers more control over how their applications are used, and to allow applications to be shared using peer-to-peer distribution channels. Hopefully it does not end up damaging the experience of using the applications.
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