Google assistant integrates with google web searches

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Google Assistant continues to gain prominence in Google's strategy. Therefore, we find the assistant present in a multitude of products or applications. Now, continue your progress on Android, in this case within the Google search engine. There are users who have detected the wizard button in the search engine on their phone.
Google Assistant integrates with Google web searches
It is not something that has come out to all users, but it seems that it is expanding right now on Android. So it seems that integration is already a fact.
Google Assistant continues to advance
Therefore, the Google Assistant icon appears within this Google search. It is a direct access to it. So if you click on that icon, the wizard opens on the phone. So it becomes a new way for Android users to access the wizard directly, while doing some searching on the device.
For now, the icon only allows access to the English version of the wizard. Although this is something that will surely change soon, as integration in the search engine expands. But so far no dates have been confirmed for it.
In fact, the company itself has not said anything yet about the integration of Google Assistant in the search engine. So we hope to know more about this new feature shortly. Since it makes clear that the company is strongly committed to its assistant.
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