Google assistant will let you correct voice commands

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Google Assistant is an extremely useful tool for millions of users. In addition, it has clearly improved over time, allowing better use of it. Despite these improvements, it is usual that there are some voice commands that I do not fully understand. The application will now allow us to edit them, so that the assistant understands them correctly.
Google Assistant will let you correct voice commands
Since we can hold down a command in question and an edit option will appear. So that we can ask you what we are really looking for.
Edit Commands
This will allow the communication process with Google Assistant to be easier at all times, allowing the commands to be more precise. In addition to helping the assistant to better understand what we are asking him to do or seek. So it is a function that everyone would end up winning in this regard.
It seems that at the moment it is not something that applies to all kinds of commands, at least because of the leaks that have come. Although surely the idea of Google is that we can use it at all times, with all kinds of commands that we have given to the assistant.
This feature in Google Assistant is already expanding worldwide. But, as we have mentioned, they are specific cases in which it can be used. So it is likely that you will not be able to edit all the commands that the wizard has misunderstood. We will inform you as more is known or there are changes in this function.
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