
Google assistant can now read WhatsApp messages

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Google Assistant is gaining presence on Android, with more and more functions. We can use the wizard to send messages in many applications, such as WhatsApp, for example. From now on, we can use it to read the messages sent to us in messaging applications on the phone. The feature is now available in English.

Google Assistant can now read WhatsApp messages

In this way, we can ask the assistant to read us a message that they have sent us in messaging applications. Also, it works with many of these applications.

Read messages

Thanks to the function in Google Assistant you can read messages from applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Slack, Discord or Facebook Messenger for example. So it would be extremely useful for users on Android, since these are the most used applications. The assistant will say who sent the message, in addition to the application through which it arrived.

Below you will read the message we have received in its entirety. Therefore, if we want, we can then use the same assistant to write a reply message to said person. A function that could be very comfortable and that at the moment can already be used in some markets.

For now it is not known when this function will be launched in Google Assistant in markets such as Spain. It is not available at the moment, so we will have to wait a little longer until it is official. But it promises to be a feature of interest to those users who make frequent use of the assistant on Android.

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