
Google develops an augmented reality microscope to detect cancer

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Google employees announced at the annual meeting of the American Cancer Research Association that they have created a prototype augmented reality microscope that could be used to help doctors diagnose cancer patients.

Google has an augmented reality microscope that helps detect cancer

Pathologists need years to analyze biological tissue for signs of probability of developing cancer, Google thinks it could take advantage of deep learning tools to dramatically reduce the time required. Your augmented reality microscope could allow groups with limited funds, such as small laboratories and clinics or developing countries, to benefit from these tools in a simple and user-friendly way.

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It is an ordinary light microscope that Google has modified with artificial intelligence and augmented reality technology. Neural networks of artificial intelligence are trained to detect cancer cells in images of human tissue. Detection is done in real time and works fast enough that it remains useful when a pathologist moves a slide to look at a new section of tissue.

Google says that such a setting could be used to detect cancers and infectious diseases like tuberculosis and malaria. Google says further study is required for more robust evaluations of system performance and deficiencies.

"We are excited to continue exploring how the augmented reality microscope can help accelerate the adoption of machine learning for a positive impact worldwide."

This is one more example of how artificial intelligence and deep learning can have great benefits in the medical sector.

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