Google keyboard for android incorporates `` one hand '' mode

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With the non-implementation of physical keyboards in current mobiles and depending almost exclusively on tactile keyboards by software, it is necessary that they be as accurate as possible and that they make life easier for the user to be able to interact with the phone, a fundamental part of any smartphone. With this idea in mind, Google has greatly updated its touch keyboard for Android devices, the classic Google Keyboard.
Google Keyboard with one-handed mode and new gestures
With the arrival of Google Keyboard 5.0 for Android, the touch keyboard application gains some very interesting functions that were demanded by users for a long time.
We recommend reading the best keyboards for Android TOP 6.
Firstly, Google Keyboard incorporates the "one-hand mode" that adapts the keyboard position so that, redundant, it can be used perfectly with one hand. This is especially useful today when there are Android phones that have large screens and the fingers cannot cover all the letters, which is why it is difficult to use them with the traditional touch keyboard, with the "one hand mode" it is now possible write without complications for these cases.
In addition to this new mode, new gestures have also been incorporated into Google Keyboard to perform deletion of letters or words quickly as well as to change the suggested words of the application, it is also possible to find an option to reduce the letters and make the keyboard more compact, especially useful if we want to have more vision of the screen.
The news was made to beg and Google has responded with this update that is already available for free in the Google Play Store service, somehow they manage not to fall behind other proposals that can be found in the store such as the recent Hub Keyboard by Microsoft.
Download Google Keyboard on Google Play.
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