Google launches verified sms in its fight against spam

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Spam or phishing messages are a big problem today. Google has been making changes to its Messaging application for a while, in its struggle other these problems. The firm is now taking this fight one step further, with the introduction of the Verified SMS feature. A way to prevent someone from impersonating and sending spam or phishing messages.
Google launches verified SMS in its fight against spam
This feature is launched for now only for companies, in some markets as well. Since they are users in the United States or India the first to be able to test it already in the update of the app.
Against spam
With this measure, Google is going to use codes to verify the identity of the companies, so that it is known to be a real message and not a spam or phishing message. The idea is that these verified SMS messages then show a verified icon, so that it is known that it is a reliable and real message sent by said company, and not a false message.
So for messages that are sent from companies, it can be a good way to avoid problems. Since messages are sent regularly in which they pose as companies, so that we enter a false link, for example.
Google hopes to expand verified SMS globally in its messaging app. The new version of the app where this function is located is already being deployed, so you may already have access. We will see if companies adopt this system or not.
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