
Google wants solar drones with 5g internet

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Google is one of the most important companies in the world, with huge ambitions that are dedicated to human comfort, and they are developing solar drones with 5G internet to cover a large part of the people who still cannot have this connection in their life. If it is the first time that you come to our blog and you do not know: What are drones? We recommend that you read our guide.

Projects such as bringing the internet completely free to the country of India, a project that is developed by the same Google director Sundar Pichai. Extraordinarily it is something very interesting on the part of the company. We also have the Loon project, which consists of taking the internet to places where it is difficult to enter; By means of balloons you want to spread the internet for free to people who live in ligares where the internet would not be able to reach normally.

Solar drones = Project Skybender

Now there is a rumor of a new project, that Google is conducting secret tests in a still unknown space with solar drones. What is different? Well the difference is that the end is to launch 5 GB internet all over the world.

To achieve this, millimeter waves are being experimented , since they would transmit data 40 times faster than the 4G LTE signal. Thanks to the process I have been using to transmit the signal, it is faster than any other type of signal used to transmit the data and the Internet. This consists of the installation of towers in the space hangar, operated by large servers; Thanks to this, it is not necessary to use the different satellites that orbit around the earth, shortening the distance the signal has to travel. That makes the internet faster and more efficient.

The aircraft (drones) that are being used for the Project Skybender are called Centaur, they also have a drone called solar 50 that operates using solar energy, thanks to panels placed to absorb solar energy.


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